21 February 2008
11 July 2009
nFront Client and Utimaco Safegard Easy
nFront Password Filter Client will not install and says "Another non-Microsoft GINA exists on this system. Installation cannot continue." This occurs on systems with Utimaco Safegard Easy Client installed.
The Safegard Easy Client installs a GINA dll named SGGINA.DLL located in C:\Windows\System32. The registry key for GinaDLL used by Windows allows only a single entry, implying that only a single 3rd party Gina can be used. The GinaDLL key is located in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
The Safegard Easy Client does support Gina chaining (i.e. process where one gina DLL calls another until eventually the real MSGINA.DLL is called). The Safegard Easy Client uses the following registry key to specify the next gina to load: HKLM\Software\Utimaco\SGLogon\OriginalGina
Option 1: Install Passfilt Pro Client first, then install Utimaco Safegard Easy Client
If you install the nFront Password Filter Client Client first, the Safegard Easy Client installation will read the GinaDLL regsitry setting and create an OriginalGina registry setting which lists altusgina.dll
Option 2: Manually add nFront Password Filter Client to the system
The nFront Password Filter Client client simply one file:altusgina.dll. Since the file is encapsulated within the MSI package we maintain a zipped copy of all nFront Password Filter files used in the latest MSI packages.
- Download the individual files here in a zip format
- Copy altusgina.dll c:\windows\system32 on each workstation.
- Add the following registry key to each workstation: HKLM\Software\Utimaco\SGLogon\OriginalGina, REG_SZ, altusgina.dll
- Reboot each client. Upon the next boot the Utimaco Safegard Easy SGGINA.DLL will call altusgina.dll for password changes.
Affected Products
nFront Password Filter Client (all versions)