nFront Password Filter Versions

Multi-Policy Edition for Active Directory

nFront Password Filter Multi-Policy Edition allows you to have up to 10 different password policies in the same Windows domain. Each policy can be applied to specific groups and/or organizational units. Nested groups are supported. The MPE version allows you to use the nFront Password Expiration service to support different maximum password ages for different policies. This also allows you to implement length-based aging, a feature we invented in 2017 to allow longer passwords to have a longer maximum age. nFront Password Filter MPE is designed to run on domain controllers.
It must be tested on a domain controller.

Single Policy Edition for Active Directory

nFront Password Filter Single Policy Edition supports a single granular password policy that applies to all domain users. You cannot choose which groups or OUs to which the policy applies. It will apply to all users. The SPE version offers dictionary blacklisting and the ability to check passwords against compromised passwords. nFront Password Filter SPE is designed to run on domain controllers
It must be tested on a domain controller.

Single Policy Edition for Member Servers

nFront Password Filter SPE for Member Servers will support a single password policy that applies to all local accounts on the member server. nFront Password Filter SPE for Member Servers is designed to provide filtering and force reasonable passwords for local accounts on member servers. nFront Password Filter SPE for Member Servers will be controlled via Group Policies.

Multi-Policy Edition for Member Servers

nFront Password Filter MPE for Member Servers supports up to 3 password policies that apply to all local users and groups on the member server. nFront Password Filter MPE for Member Servers is designed to provide filtering and force reasonable passwords for local accounts on member servers. nFront Password Filter MPE for Member Servers is controlled via Group Policies.

Desktop Edition

nFront Password Filter Desktop Edition supports a single password policy that applies to all local accounts on desktops. nFront Password Filter Desktop Edition is supported on Windows XP, Winodws 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. It can be controlled via local group policy object or a GPO from the domain.
It must be tested on a supported desktop system.

This edition is useful for protecting any workstation with local accounts (usually standalone or mobile systems).